Day: July 23, 2021


Here are 11 practical tips to find new prospects for your business. Start by talking to existing customers and asking for referrals. Guest star on a podcast and start social selling. There are many other ways to find new prospects. But these 11 tips will help you grow your business in the years to come. Here are the tips to find new prospects for your business in 2021:

Speak with prospects via live chat

Speak with prospects via live chat is a highly effective way to influence your prospects during the decision-making process. It is akin to visiting a physical store, where you can talk to prospects face-to-face and encourage them to buy from you. Live chat also removes the need for follow-up emails. Additionally, it allows for real-time communication that improves conversion rates.

Creating rewarding experiences for customers is the cornerstone of a successful customer service strategy. While it may be tempting to respond right away to every inquiry, people don’t want to wait for an answer. Almost 40% of global Internet users prefer to chat with a chatbot than a human. Taking advantage of this trend, companies can offer live chat service to potential clients on their websites.

As with any other communication channel, it’s important to respect the time commitment of your prospects. When speaking with prospects via live chat, make sure to determine how much time they have for questions and answers. If they don’t have time for a long discussion, try asking them if they’d be able to give you a few minutes of their time. Otherwise, you risk alienating your prospects and losing their interest.

Start social selling

Social selling is a great way to get in front of more potential customers, but the most successful social sales professionals are focused on building relationships. This means regularly communicating with your online community, monitoring comments, and reading notifications. Using tools like Hootsuite to organize your social media marketing strategy is essential. They will help you schedule posts and monitor social inboxes. To maximize your social media marketing efforts, here are the best practices.

Engage with your connections. Don’t make the mistake of sending random invitations to strangers. Instead, wait for meaningful interactions to initiate connection requests. Send personalized invitations and reference a blog post or piece of content that the person shared. Those new connections will be more likely to buy from you if you build a relationship with them. Remember that people appreciate contributions, thumbs up, and referrals, so spend time learning about their problems and solving them.

Increase your social media presence. With the rise of social media, your customers are more educated and less willing to listen to cold sales pitches. The cost to acquire new clients is far greater than the cost of retaining an existing one. With this newfound knowledge, start social selling to find new prospects in 2021! If you want to be part of the success of the next decade, it’s time to get started!

Contact existing customers and ask for referrals

Ideally, you should contact existing customers and ask them for referrals. Although people do not like being asked for referrals, this is the best way to reach them. To achieve this, you can create robust email templates for referral requests and send them to existing clients. Remember that people do not like to talk about themselves, so they will not feel comfortable referring you to others. To avoid this, make sure that you ask directly.

Don’t ask for referrals if you’ve had a bad experience with your company. A customer might feel obligated to refer you to others if they’re not completely satisfied with your product or service. Instead, focus on delivering a positive experience. Don’t forget that you don’t have to pay customers to provide referrals; they’re helping someone else out, and pointing them in the right direction. Unfortunately, many customers don’t give referrals unless they are rewarded for it.

Guest star on a podcast

If you’re looking for a way to stand out from the competition, consider being a guest star on a podcast devoted to outbound sales. These podcasts are hosted by sales professionals, and you’ll learn about everything from lead qualification to sales planning. They often have multiple contributors, so the more diverse the topics, the better. There are two main categories of podcasts: expert and amateur.

B2B-focused podcasts will be in high demand in the coming years. These shows will feature interviews with top sales experts and offer fresh perspectives. These shows will keep you informed and inspired by sharing their insights and tips. They’ll also give you some of the best tips on how to increase your sales. And, who knows, you might even end up being a guest star on a podcast in 2021!

A great podcast to guest star on is one that blends science and sales. It interviews top business leaders on a variety of topics. You don’t need a PhD in psychology to be a guest star on this podcast. The topics range from how to boost your sales and how to develop a more resilient team to maximizing your outbound efforts. The host, Andy Paul, is a veteran of sales and has interviewed people from a variety of industries. You’ll learn everything from split testing and SEO to the latest sales tools.

Use webinars to build relationships

Using webinars in outbound sales has a number of benefits. Not only do they help you build relationships with customers, but they can also increase traffic to your sales page. More visitors mean more sales and purchases, and webinars are an excellent way to engage with prospective customers. Many webinars are recorded, which allows you to provide more content to your website. Whether you decide to record or live-stream a webinar, make sure that it will have the desired impact on your brand perception, sales, and leads.

Before you create a webinar, consider who your audience is. Knowing who you’re targeting will help you tailor your content and message so that your audience will learn something new. You’ll want to start with a compelling value proposition, describing exactly what attendees will learn and gain from participating in your webinar. Adding a poll to your webinar will help you track the results. Once you have a list of prospective attendees, you can then begin creating your content.

Reach out to buyers that visit your website

In order to reach out to buyers that visit your website, you must use predictive intelligence to create a customized outreach strategy. This way, you can send personalized emails to buyers who have been on your website for weeks or even months. Moreover, you can use purchase intent signals to identify companies that are actively researching your solution before engaging with sales. With predictive intelligence, your sales and marketing teams can dynamically filter out prospects who are not yet interested in your product or service.

In addition to this, buyers nowadays are increasingly using the Internet to learn more about the products and services that you offer. This means that they conduct research online, engage in social media, and consume videos every week. As a result, they are digital-centric and want to interact with salespeople early on. Moreover, 75% of buyers accept meetings when the salespeople reach out to them first. Furthermore, sales meetings of top performers are 3X higher than those of lower-performing sellers.

Build an Outreach Plan using your CRM database

When you build an outreach plan for your business, it’s essential to document every step and provide the data needed to ensure your success. CRM makes logging prospect data a breeze and provides access to the account information of any sales team member. Below are seven steps that will help you create a sound outreach plan. Remember that you can add more steps to your outreach plan to improve its effectiveness.

To start, determine which channels work best for your business. The more successful outreach channels reduce wasted time and increase access to new prospects. For example, LinkedIn is a great place to contact people in your field. Once you have identified your prospects’ preferences and habits on LinkedIn, you can then use these channels to initiate contact. Your CRM database is an invaluable asset. By building a plan for outreach, you’ll be able to get the most out of your time and resources.

Regardless of your product or service, a successful outreach plan can increase conversion rates. If your prospect is looking for a solution to a problem, using social media can help you identify it. You can then leverage the opportunity to highlight their frustration and turn this into a sales opportunity. If your outreach is effective, you can expect higher call volume, more meetings, and more closed deals.

Segment and tailor personalized emails

In 2021, outbound sales will be dominated by human-to-human interactions. In fact, nearly 30% of marketers say email marketing is their top ROI. To make your emails more compelling, consider segmenting your list and tailoring personalized messages to each segment. Here are some tips to maximize the effectiveness of personalization:

Segment your list using first and last names or other demographic data. Use email marketing software that allows you to do this. Most email marketing platforms use merge tags and dynamic content, which means you can tailor subject lines and copy to individual segments. It’s a powerful way to increase ROI. For small businesses, this task can be overwhelming, but Keap is here to help. Read on to learn how you can use these tools to create targeted email marketing campaigns.

Which programming language is Angry Birds written?

Which programming language is Angry Birds written?

We can speak for the original and best-selling Angry Birds App:

 angry birds 2 tips

The physics were created with Box2D (created and maintained by PhD Erin Catto), which was C/C++.

Tuomo ( linkedin was the programmer. (Rovio was about 5-10 people at that time). You might be able read some interviews with him if you speak Finnish. He starts by telling the story about “A screen full lines written in C++ language, thousands of them”. C++ was used to create the core game of Angry Birds.

angry birds 2 hatchlings

They used Lua to automate the creation and management massive amounts of data and scripts related map levels, difficulty and all other stuff that goes into making a videogame. This allowed them to concentrate on the core elements of the game -physics, camera behavior and graphics – while Lua would perform all the repetitive and non-intellectual work.

Rovio began using Unity years later. Their initial success was due to something unique and ground-breaking that no one else had done… And it was done using C/C++ as is almost always the case in the software industry.

angry birds 2 apples

It doesn`t matter that which programming langugae is used to develop the game, the thing that matters is always how cool is the game for players.